Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Everything I Ever Learned About Encouragement, I Learned From a Woodchuck?

I recently spent a couple of days with my coworkers at a State Park. For those of you who enjoy state park facilities, I highly recommend them for team events. The purpose of the off-site was for corporate team building. After a couple of days of intense team activity, I was ready to hide away in my room to decompress. As I rested in my private room trying to sort out the events of the day, I stepped outside onto my small balcony. The weather was very hot and humid. I was about to return into the coolness of my room, when my eye caught several woodchucks merrily walking between the banks of the lake and my small porch. To say the least, I was surprised by their boldness. These guys were as tame as animals I have seen while visiting a children's petting zoo. One of these little critters seemed to be their leader. He would pace back and forth waiting for the next morsel of food to drop from the balconies above. However, he would not scurry to be the first one to partake. There seemed to be some kind of pecking order among the troops. Each took his turn. It was fascinating to watch.

Though it may sound simplistic, I learned a lesson from those woodchucks. I began to think about their thoughtfulness as they shared the morsels of food the sky provided them. They had no idea when the next goldfish cracker would fall from the sky, yet they seemed content to let the next little guy in line enjoy his feast. I began to wonder how many times I demand my own way because I believe I deserve the good thing falling on me? After all, I've worked hard to be a good citizen, looked out for others, worked hard on the job, and been faithful to my Lord. Then I wondered, do any of us stop long enough to allow others their turn before hogging all of it for ourselves? Scripture tells us that we ought not to think more highly of ourselves than of others. But, do we ever step away from our blessing long enough to put God's words into action?

Well, those darling little woodchucks continued to challenge my thinking. What good thing could I give up this week so that someone else might have his or her turn? Or, maybe what can I provide for someone else, from my balcony, when someone I know needs a morsel from my already abundantly blessed plate? Those little fellers certainly made me think about how many times I look up toward the sky waiting for my next morsel. Maybe the next time I should step aside and let someone else benefit from the fallout.

It's good to get away every once in a while, cause if we don't,we might just miss learning the things a woodchuck might teach us. And, as for my coworkers? They taught me valuable lessons too about how to be a better team player. All in all, my few days away from the norm refreshed me. Maybe it's time you stepped out of your norm and listened to someone or something other than yourself. Goldfish crackers fall from the balconies above us every day. It's up to us to look up every once in a while, step back, and let the next guy have his turn. Doing so will refresh you!

- author, Cindy Daniels

When was the last last time goldfish crackers (metaphor for blessings) fell from a balcony above you? How did you use it (them) to encourage someone else?

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