My goodness, time buzzes by when you're living life! Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. we sure did! Here are some pictures of our Trash Can turkey and the Master Chef. Don't knock it if you've never eaten it!
I've been thinking a lot lately about the holidays. Doesn't it seems like this is the time of the year when we reflect most on our lives and the past year? I know I cry a little more when I'm watching movie classics like "Christmas Shoes" and "It's a Wonderful Life". I reminisce as I trim the Christmas tree, remembering the year I received certain precious ornaments, as I lovingly place them on our tree. And, I feel the urgency to send just the right card to those who've touched our lives in some special way this past year.
We run ourselves crazy trying to find just the right gift (isn't shopping on line great? For those of you who haven't ventured there yet, it's really not so hard, and a lot easier on the feet!) We bake cookies (for the first time all year), we string tangled lights, we visit in the homes of those we've not visited with all year...
Last year, we decided to break the madding cycle of "doing it all in December". We decided to spread our hospitality throughout the year. With so many new families coming into our church, neighborhood and work these days, we thought we would begin opening our home before the holidays. We invited people over for brunch, went out for pizza, shared an auction experience, barbecued hot dogs and even cooked "Trash Can" Turkey, all the while getting to know folks we didn't know very well. But, you know what, now we know them a lot better. Why, because we invited them to our home so we could spend time with them.
We've hear it over and over again - what's the most important gift we can give to others? Well, it really is time. And, at this busy "time" of the year, maybe we can shop a little less, buy our Christmas cookies, instead of baking all of them, and become a minimalist when it comes to holiday decorations. In doing so, I believe you'll gain a lot more holiday spirit. You might even encourage some one's Christian walk by spending your time on them.
Try spreading out the time you spend with others - don't stop with December. Begin now scheduling time in January to meet with friends, or folks you don't know very well. There's no better way to get to know someone than to have them into your home. For those of you who want to spruce up your home before you begin to invite others over - forget it! Your house will never, ever look like HGTV!
And, when you reflect on 2009 at this time next year, you'll be glad you invested in people and not things!
- author, Cindy Daniels